Ofsted feed update

Ofsted have recently contacted local authorities to give an update about the planned changes to the Family Information Directory (FIDy) service that they provide.

We directly take a feed of data from Ofsted for a large number of local authorities and so would like to take this opportunity to share our plans. The information below will also inform your responses in the form that Ofsted have asked be completed.

What is changing?

The service that Ofsted uses to deliver their data is being modernised. Any party already receiving their data using the current service will need to switch to the new service to make sure that they continue to receive data after Ofsted switch off the current service.

We are in contact with Ofsted regarding the specifications and technical detail of switching to the new service.

It’s also important to note that the data itself is not changing.

When are Ofsted switching off their current service?

December 2024.

When will the new service be available?

Ofsted are aiming for 30 June 2023.

Are Idox intending to connect to the new service as soon as possible?

No. Our view is to allow a little time to pass to mitigate risk of running in to issues that sometimes occur when using a new service.

Our aim is to use the new service in the September to December period.