Recent Local Offer & FIS Forum

Thank you for attending our recent online Local Offer & FIS forum. We have already circulated a recording of the session – please let us know if you have not been able to access/ download this.

SEND Local Offer Workshop – Jan 2022

We would like to engage customers in exploring the possibility of building a screening, triage or navigation tool that could help parents, carers and young people find more personalised or tailored information on your Directory platform. The session has been arranged for Tuesday, January 18th, 2022. You can now register for this workshop on our website

Provider Updates

We are working on making improvements to our Provider Updates functionality. The aim is to make it easier for providers to access and update their records. We are currently progressing our designs and will be sharing these with you soon for your feedback. As well as gathering your own feedback from providers, we discussed setting up a short provider feedback workshop to gather their views. This has now been scheduled for Wednesday, December 1st , 2021. Please share the following link with your providers to sign up via our website:

There was some doubt around Providers engaging in this workshop and therefore we will monitor sign ups and decide if it remains a viable way of consulting.

Data feeds

A key tool in maintaining content-rich websites is the ability to automatically harvest data from trusted sources. Being able to supplement locally curated information with quality open data from sources such as the NHS can really enhance your website. We already harvest data from Ofsted, CQC and IMIN, and as part of our roadmap, we are making changes to our data harvesting tool to make it easier to bring in more of these automated data feeds.
We would therefore like to know from our customers, what other data feeds you would find beneficial? Please record your suggestions on our Ideas Hub.

If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact your account manager directly or get in touch through our website.